PearlPoint Cancer Support Apps

PearlPoint Side Effects Helper 1.0.1
The Cancer Side Effects Helper was created byPearlPoint Cancer Support, a national nonprofit organization, tohelp survivors understand and minimize the side effects of cancerand cancer treatment. This free mobile app offers trusted nutritionguidance and practical tips to help survivors feel better, maintaintheir strength, and speed their recovery from common cancer sideeffects including:• Change in Taste and Smell• Constipation• Diarrhea• Difficulty Swallowing• Dry Mouth• Fatigue• Feeling Full Quickly• Gas and Bloating• Lactose Intolerance• Loss of Appetite• Nausea• Sore Mouth, Throat, and Tongue• Weight Gain• Weight LossWith the Cancer Side Effects Helper, survivors can selectapplicable side effects and view quick and easy suggestions fromPearlPoint’s oncology registered dietitians. The app also includesaccess to PearlPoint’s online resource, My PearlPoint, for moreextensive cancer support including educational articles and videos,clinical trial information, nutrition guidelines, and resources forpractical, financial, and emotional questions.For more information and to access personalized cancer support,visit